I am sad when the graduation day came when I am elementary. I thought that it will be hard for me to adjust on my new classmates.
Now that I am 3rd year, I know that I have passed so many things in my life with my classmates. Classmates those I have for almost 3 years.
At first, it’s so hard to talk to each other and we are all shy to ask some questions because we don’t know each other yet. Of course, the persons those have a close seat to you, will be the persons that you would going to know first. Unlike your classmates that are far from your seat.
When we reached our 2nd year on CLDDMNHS, we already learn to communicate each other. Not only to the persons that have seat near to you. We are all happy on the 2nd year together, because even 2 of our classmates transferred to another school; no one is eliminated from our section.
As a girl, for me, my boy’s classmates are hard to be with. It is not because of their attitudes. But, it’s because they are more comfortable bonding with same as their gender. Actually, it is better if boys are communicating to boys and girls to girls.
We all have different attitudes, thing that we want hobbies, trips and different outlook in life. Maybe it’s the reason why we are lack of unity, and because we are lack of unity, our teacher get angry with us, sometimes.
Some of us our quiet, noisy, funny, serious, got angry easily and easily to be with. There is silence in our room if we are busy and if we have lots of things to do. Actually, most of the time, we are really busy. So, if we have vacant period, we take advantage to it.
Most of the time, we are grouped. Boys have own group, while girls are little bit separated from each other. Even though most of the time we don’t have unity, there are still times that we are together.
These days, we are having difficulties. It’s because, our teacher told us that some of us will be eliminated. It will be hard for me, because I’ve been with them for so many years. I wish that there will be ways to let u stay together.
All of us don’t know what will happen the next day. So, I think, the best thing that I can do, is to spend my time and enjoy the days that we are together. How I wish, that we could pass this year again, with no one will be eliminated on our section.